
Thursday, 26 March 2009




Tuesday, 24 March 2009


The human body is a store house of energy and contains as much energy as a one ton battery which fuels our day to day activities. Now innovators around the world are conducting research to harness this energy to power the hi tech gadgets we heavily rely on.Movement produces kinetic energy, which can be converted into power. In the past, devices that turned human kinetic energy into electricity, such as hand-cranked radios, computers and flashlights, involved a person’s full attention but what if we could the same without giving as much notice as it requires.The countless hours that are spent at the gym or the jogging park could be utilised to drive a generator and produce electricity. This is the idea behind the Green Microgym in Portland, Oregon, where machines like stationary bikes harvest energy during workouts. Pedaling rotates a generator, producing electricity that helps to power the building. For now, body energy supplies only a small fraction of the gym’s needs, but the amount should increase as more machines are adapted. “By being extremely energy-efficient and combining human power, solar and someday wind, I believe we’ll be able to be net-zero for electricity sometime this year,” says the gym’s owner, Adam Boesel. His bikes, by the way, aren’t the first to put pedal power to work. In some parts of the world, cyclists have been powering safety lights for years with devices called bicycle dynamos, which use a generator to create alternating current with every turn of the wheels. Dance clubs are also getting in on the action. In the Netherlands, Rotterdam’s new Club WATT has a floor that harnesses the energy created by the dancers’ steps. Designed by a Dutch company called the Sustainable Dance Club, the floor is based on the piezoelectric effect, in which certain materials produce an electric current when compressed or bent. (The most common example is a cigarette lighter, in which a hammer causes a spark to be emitted when it strikes a piezoelectric crystal.) As clubgoers dance, the floor is compressed by less than half an inch. It makes contact with the piezoelectric material under it and generates anywhere from two to 20 watts of electricity, depending on the impact of the patrons’ feet. For now, it’s just enough to power LED lights in the floor, but in the future, more output is expected from newer technology. In London, Surya, another new eco-nightclub, uses the same principle for its dance floor, which the owners hope will one day generate 60 percent of the club’s electricity.

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Say good bye to those slow download speeds

Bemoaning the poor load speed of Web pages or the crawl of media downloads could soon become a thing of the past following news that a team of Australian scientists have developed a technology capable of making the Internet up to 100 times faster than the current top-end performance offered by leading network providers.After some four years of development, which was spawned by the idea of a small scratch on a piece of glass, a team working out of the University of Sydney claims to have created a near-instantaneous and error-free method of providing online users with unlimited Net access anywhere in the world.“This is a critical building block and a fundamental advance on what is already out there,” commented Professor Ben Eggleton, director of the “Centre for Ultra-high bandwith Devices for Optical Systems” (CUDOS), which is based within the University of Sydney’s School of Physics. We are talking about networks that are potentially up to 100 times faster without costing the consumer any more,” than they already pay.According to Professor Eggleton, whose scientific team beat its own deadline for completion by a full year in developing the new circuit technology, the recent advancement of optical fibre delivery has meant that online data has the capacity to travel at much greater speeds than those currently achieved, which is where the scratched glass comes into play.“The scratched glass we’ve developed is actually a Photonic Integrated Circuit,” he explained in a University of Sydney statement. “This circuit uses the ‘scratch’ as a guide or a switching path for information -- kind of like when trains are switched from one track to another -- except this switch takes only one picosecond to change tracks.“This means that in one second the switch is turning on and off about one million times,” he added. “We are talking about photonic technology that has terabit per second capacity.”An initial demonstration of the photonic technology has revealed it as capable of providing speeds around 60 times faster than today’s networks, which rely on electric switching, but the team is confident that further development will glean even quicker performance.

Not limited to just the University of Sydney, a contributing CUDOS team from the Australian National University played a significant part in the development of the Photonic Integrated Circuit. Further support was provided by the Technical University of Denmark while funding was made available through the Australian Research Council (ARC).

Saturday, 14 March 2009

CO2-to-Fuel Technology

Carbon Sciences(CABN) is developing a breakthrough technology to transform CO2 emissions into fuels such as gasoline, diesel fuel and jet fuel. Innovating at the intersection of chemical engineering and bio-engineering disciplines, it is developing a highly scalable biocatalytic process to meet the fuel needs of the world.The fuels we use today, such as gasoline and jet fuel, are made up of chains of hydrogen and carbon atoms aptly called hydrocarbons. In general, the greater the number of carbon atoms there are in a hydrocarbon molecule, the greater the energy content of that fuel. To create fuel, hydrogen and carbon atoms must be bonded together to create hydrocarbon molecules. These molecules can then be used as basic building blocks to produce various gaseous and liquid fuels.Due to its high reactivity, carbon atoms do not usually exist in a pure form, but as parts of other molecules. CO2 is one of the most prevalent and basic sources of carbon atoms. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most stable molecules. This means that it may require a great deal of energy to break apart CO2 and extract carbon atoms for making new hydrocarbons. This high energy requirement has made CO2 to fuel transformation technologies uneconomical in the past. However, Carbon Sciences is developing a proprietary process that requires significantly less energy than other approaches that have been tried. Also, with the global demand for fuel and price of oil projected to rise continuously in the foreseeable future, the economics have changed in favor of certain innovative lower energy approaches, such as Carbon Sciences' breakthrough technology.

Some of the known approaches for CO2 to fuel transformation such as direct photolysis, chemically reacting carbon dioxide gas (CO2) with hydrogen gas (H2) to create methane or methanol are not economically viable in creating transportation fuels for global consumption.By innovating at the intersection of chemical engineering and bio-engineering, they have discovered a low energy and highly scalable process to transform large quantities of CO2 into gaseous and liquid fuels using organic biocatalysts. The key to our CO2-to-Fuel approach lies in a proprietary multi-step biocatalytic process. Instead of using expensive inorganic catalysts, such as zinc, gold or zeolite, with traditional high energy catalytic chemical processes, the process uses inexpensive, renewable biomolecules to catalyze certain chemical reactions required to transform CO2 and water (H2O) into fuel molecules. Of greatest significance is that the process occurs at low temperature and low pressure, thereby requiring far less energy than other approaches.The energy efficient biocatalytic processes which the technology makes use of actually occur in certain micro-organisms where carbon atoms, extracted from CO2, and hydrogen atoms, extracted from H2O, are combined to create hydrocarbon molecules.The technology allows these processes to operate on a very large industrial scale through advance nano-engineering of the biocatalysts and highly efficient process design.

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Nanotechnology Breakthroughs : Gold Nanoparticles

University of Missouri scientist Kattesh Katti recently discovered how to make gold nanoparticles using gold salts, soybeans and water. Katti's research has garnered attention worldwide and the environmentally-friendly discovery could have major applications in several disciplines.Gold nanoparticles are tiny pieces of gold, so small they cannot be seen by the naked eye. Researchers believe gold nanoparticles will be used in cancer detection and treatment, the production of "smart" electronic devices, the treatment of certain genetic eye diseases and the development of "green" automobiles.While the nanotechnology industry is expected to produce large quantities of nanoparticles in the near future, researchers have been worried about the environmental impact of typical production methods. Commonly, nanoparticles have been produced using synthetic chemicals. Katti's process, which uses only naturally occurring elements, could have major environmental implications for the future. Since some of the chemicals currently used to make nanoparticles are toxic to humans, Katti's discovery also could open doors for additional medical fields. Having a 100-percent natural "green" process could allow medical researchers to expand the use of the nanoparticles.

Link : www.scientistlive.com

NASA and ESA to send next big mission to moons of Jupiter

NASA and ESA have jointly announced their plan to send the next big joint planetary exploration mission to Europa and Ganymede, two of the four planet-sized moons of Jupiter. The decision follows years of anticipation in the planetary science community, where the last such big decision was made back in 1988 when NASA and ESA agreed to work together on the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn and Titan. That completed its primary mission phase in 2008 and is now in the extended mission, still in orbit around Saturn.

The decision this time came down to a choice between two mission concepts. The plan that was not picked was another mission to the Saturn-Titan system, which capitalized on the momentum gained through the huge and continuing success achieved by Cassini-Huygens. The anticipation among planetary scientists was evident at formal meetings and in coffee rooms, where it has been a major topic of conversation for months. Even Nature weighed in last month and ran a two-page special report and an editorial on the subject, giving their push to the Saturn-Titan mission, arguing that the technological breakthroughs planned for the mission, including a hot-air balloon to float in the sky of Titan, will further open up frontiers of space exploration.

The final pick by NASA and ESA, called the Europa Jupiter System Mission (EJSM), involves two spacecrafts launched separately by NASA and ESA. The plan calls for sending NASA’s orbiter to Europa, and ESA’s to Ganymede. The probes are, for now, called Jupiter Europa Orbiter (JEO) and Jupiter Ganymede Orbiter (JGO). The decision was based on, among many factors, the maturity of the mission idea. NASA has been studying mission concepts for Europa since the late 1990s, the first of which was the Europa Orbiter, developed under the Faster, Better, Cheaper strategy but subsequently canceled after a series of FBC-mission failures.

Scientists Make Advances On Nano Electronics

Two U.S. teams have developed new materials that may pave the way for ever smaller, faster and more powerful electronics as current semiconductor technology begins to reach the limits of miniaturization. Teams at the University of Pittsburgh, University of Massachusetts Amherst and the University of California Berkeley have had the success in developing two new nanotech materials which promise to increase the functionality (and shrink the size) of these atomic level machines.

One team has made tiny transistors — the building block of computer processors — a fraction of the size of those used on advanced silicon chips.

Another has made a film material capable of storing data from 250 DVDs onto a surface the size of a coin.

Both advances, published on Thursday in the journal Science, use nanotechnology — the design and manipulation of materials thousands of times smaller than the width of a human hair. Nanotechnology has been hailed as a way to make strong, lightweight materials, better cosmetics and even tastier food.

Sunday, 22 February 2009

The SuperWave™ Fusion Process

SuperWave™ Fusion is an excess-heat producing reaction created by a SuperWave™-induced interaction of palladium and deuterium.

This energy producing interaction is driven by a complex, nested, “waves-waving-within-waves” signal discovered by Dr. Irving Dardik of Energetics Technologies. In the current apparatus, this proprietary SuperWave™ signal is delivered via an electric current to a custom module containing a palladium cathode and D2O (deuterium instead of hydrogen in the water molecule). The end result is the release of energy as the deuterium atoms disassociate from the heavy water and load into the palladium lattice, allowing their wave-based energy structures to interact. The principal outputs from this interaction are heat and apparently small quantities of 4He, a non-radioactive isotope of Helium. Research to verify the 4He is currently underway.

Visit superwavefusion for more information and video related to the content

Energetics Technologies’ SuperWave™ Fusion has the potential to:

  • Provide an inexpensive, inexhaustible fuel source
  • Produce no significantly measurable hazardous by-products
  • Revolutionize the concept of energy production
  • Be a groundbreaking Green Energy source